Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Poem For My City

My first attempt at writing a poem for my city.  It is still relatively new, so it may need some editing as well.

by Matt Catania

You are an icon.
You will be a giant long after
Jim, Bob,
or LeBron.

What declaration can this be
that will control the heights you reach?
Good fortune you wish to share with us
What more do you wish to share?
In Winter I long for your hot orange
Summer nights
running through the dim lit alleys
while the fireworks still explode behind our ears
at the Jake.  We win together.
We used to Win much more.
Much more than these games.
Chasing up the ramp in the dark, excited parking lot
dirty with our victory
I long for your cold, damp air
carrying my calls down to the Browns.
What more can we win
than this!

I hope this I write will be the word
that will hold tall the Terminal
the Society
for a hundred years to come.

They are greater declarations than this.

We can only listen
and hold their voices in our hearts.
We can keep our history a whisper
heard under the shouts of those who ignore us.
They call coast to coast
as our words keeps us close.

it will not be how loud we can shout
that makes our voices heard,
but it will be how wisely our declaration stays
a whisper on the tongues of those who
hold it most dear.

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